Triple Helix Collaboration to Develop Economic Corridors as Economic Hub in Indonesia


triplehelixThe paper aims to analyze the capabilities of triple helix actor (academician, local business and local government) and propose model of collaboration to develop Indonesia economic corridors in MP3EI as knowledge hub. A range of relevant literatures and secondary data are explored to propose and discuss a conceptual model in this study. The result will become a useful foundation model for the future research of knowledge hub development in a knowledge based-economy. The empirical findings of this study can be used by each triple helix model’s actors as a guidance to develop knowledge hubs in each economic corridor in Indonesia.

  • Triple Helix Collaboration;
  • Master Plan Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Economic Development (MP3EI);
  • Economic Corridor;
  • Knowledge-based Economy;
  • Indonesia

Lenny Martini, Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, Yudo Anggoro, Adita Pritasari, Libertha Hutapea