Urgensi Knowledge Management mulai menjadi perhatian bagi instansi-instansi Pemerintahan termasuk BPPK. BPPK merupakan Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan yang merupakan unit eselon 1 di bawah Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. BPPK terdiri dan Pusdiklat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Pusdiklat Anggaran dan Perbendaharaan, Pusdiklat Pajak, Pusdiklat Bea den Cukai, Pusdiklat Kekayaan Negara dan Perimbangan Keuangan, Pusdiklat Keuangan […]
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) merupakan lembaga pemerintah non-departemen yang berada dibawah koordinasi Kementerian Negara Riset dan Teknologi yang mempunyai tugas melaksanakan tugas pemerintahan di bidang pengkajian dan penerapan teknologi. Saat ini BPPT sedang membangun infrastruktur IT KM berupa Portal KMS BPPT yang berisi beberapa menu berupa sumber informasi/tools KM berupa aplikasi yang telah […]
Concerning about the importance of Sharing Knowledge in terms of knowledge management and also implementing one of Tridarma, Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC) held a community service activities themed “Personal Knowledge Management Workshop” at Akademi Sekretari dan Manajemen Taruna Bakti (ASMTB) Bandung. The workshop held on Friday, 30th of September 2016, and it […]
In organization in which people should interact each other, communication is a basic ability to deliver their thoughts and ideas or create values. However, some people underestimate the power of communication because they think that it is a common sense for human. In fact, there are challenges for people in doing communication in organization. According […]
Talking about deep text, maybe not everyone – whether laity, practitioners and academics – who are familiar with these words. In our everyday lives, of course we very often find and read the text, say like books, newspapers, banners, billboards, television and even on social media even as Twitter, Facebook, Path, and various mobile applications […]
Concerning about the importance of Sharing Knowledge in terms of knowledge management and also implementing one of Tridarma, Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC) held a community service activities themed “Personal Knowledge Management Workshop” at Widyatama University, Bandung. The workshop held on Monday, 8th of August 2016 was the collaboration between CK4BC and Lembaga […]
Title: Knowledge management: Konsep, arsitektur dan implementasi Author: TOBING, Paul L. ISBN: 978-602-97910-1-3 Personal Author: TOBING, Paul L. Edition: Ed.1, Cet.1 Publication Information: Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2007 Physical Description: xxii, 214 hlm.: ill.,tab.; 23 cm. Local Note: syt Buku kedua dari Paul L. Tobing ini khusus membahas Knowledge Sharing dan Community of Practice (CoP)/Komunitas Praktisi. Mulai dari konsep, dan bagaimana manajemennya. Buku ini […]
Nowadays, organic products have become part of green consumerism movement that “focus on renewable resources and protecting soil and water to improve the quality of life for generations to come” (USDA, 2002). Despite of consumers’ growing support to preserve the environment, the consumption and market share of organic food still constitutes a low percentage compare […]
Due to decreasing of property sales in Indonesia in 2015 the competition in the real estate business becomes more intense, so it requires competitive advantage to survive. PT MSM is a property developer in Bandung that has been established since 2008. One of their projects is GSR, the middle-up class real estate in East Bandung. […]
Knowledge Management is essential in managing the organization that make BPPT want to know more and share their understanding about it with SBM ITB. Prof. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja and Achmad Ghazali, PhD were the main speakers in sharing KM implementation at SBM ITB. It was an interesting and warm discussion. The goal of KM at SBM […]