The Obstacles in Implementing KM and Business Performance: Knowledge is Power Not invented here syndrome Defensive People do not think about sharing knowledge People don’t understand knowledge sharing People are reluctant to receive and digest information shared by others The organisational culture is top-down management People are too busy No WIIFM (What is in it for […]
successfully holding a workshop in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture in November, CK4BC on 10-12 December 2015 held a workshop entitled “Agricultural Policy with Agent-Based Modelling” in HARRIS Hotel & Convention, Bandung. The workshop was attended by 15 participants from various units of the Ministry of Agriculture. On the first day, the workshop began […]
‘WHY KM FAILS?‘ became a theme in Knowledge Management Sharing 2016 in MBA ITB Jakarta that was held on January 20th, 2016. This forum was attended by participants from various institutions and government. This forum began with the opening of the KMSI President, Prof. Jann Hidajat who showed three videos and one of them is […]
Selamat kepada panitia, pendukung acara, dan seluruh partisipan atas terselenggaranya Knowledge Mangement Summit 2015, Jakarta, 25 – 27 Agustus 2015. Pada kegiatan ini juga dilakukan deklarasi Jakarta Komunitas KM Indonesia 2015, berikut isi deklarsinya : Dengan ini kami komunitas KM Indonesia 2015 berkomitmen untuk menjalankan program-program yang dapat menunjang pelaksanaan Knowledge Management (KM) di Indonesia […]
Workshop Knowledge Management at tekMira (Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara), Bandung April 6th – 8th, 2015.
Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI) Meeting was held in SBM-ITB Jakarta on 1st April, 2015 to prepare Knowledge Management Indonesia Summit in the next September 2015.
Menyadari akan lambatnya perkembangan implementasi KM di Indonesia, dan jika tanpa upaya khusus, nasib KM di Indonesia diduga akan sama dengan nasib sistem-sistem manajemen lain yang pernah menjadi isu sentral para pimpinan organisasi di masa lalu, seperti TQM atau Productivity, namun sekarang sudah hilang dari perhatian manajemen, karena inconsistency. Karena itu, Deklarasi KM Bandung yang […]
This event is held with these following objectives: To improve and strengthening the academic and practical exchanges, possible collaboration, and providing a forum between academicians, practitioners, government agents, and communities on “Human Capital, Knowledge Management and Learning Organization for Business Sustainability” To bring together leading academicians, researchers, scholars, practitioners, government agents, and communities to exchange […]