2nd International Seminar & Conference Learning Organization (ISCLO)

Telkom Corporate University and Telkom University are delighted to announce The 2nd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization. The purpose of this seminar and conference is to identify and explore the major challenges in implementing Learning Organization and assess the real impact on organization performance also to form the future research guidance through the […]

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Research Progress #4 : KM in PT Dirgantara Indonesia

Jum’at, 21 Februari 2014. Presentasi keempat University-Industry Collaboration: MBA-MSM research team di PT.DI yg sedang reformasi. Riset area: Knowledge Management, Leadership, Change Management, Corporate Culture, Employee Enggagement, & Politics of organization.

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Knowledge Cafe II : Building Character

Knowledge Cafe diselenggarakan dengan tujuan sebagai wadah / media sharing antara kalangan akademisi perguruan tinggi dengan Praktisi HR di berbagai perusahaan mengenai hal-hal yang terkait dengan people & knowledge management. Diharapkan event ini dapat diselenggarakan secara rutin dalam periode setiap tiga (3) bulan sekali. Knowledge cafe yang kedua telah berhasil dilaksanakan di kampus SBM ITB […]

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