Prof. Dr. Ir. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, MSIE


Jann was a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering (1997) and pursued his postgraduate in Master of Industrial Engineering at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (1981). After completed the Master degree, he congratulated his Doctoral degree in Knowledge Management (2001) from the Faculty of Industrial Technology-Institut Teknologi Bandung-Indonesia. Jann started and developed his academic career as a full-time lecturer in Faculty of Industrial Technology-Institut Teknologi Bandung. He conducted some courses: Method and Time Study, Production System and Management of Technology. During the academic career, he has already published three books for the students and public: Teknik Tata Cara Kerja (1980), Manajemen Teknologi (1996) and Knowledge Management dalam Konteks Organisasi Pembelajar (2007). Jann has been one of founder of School of Business and Management (SBM)-ITB since 2003, and directly lead as the Director of MBA program (2003-2005). Because of his performance, he has been recognized by ITB to be a Vice Dean of Academic Affairs until 2009. In SBM-ITB, he conducts and being an expert of Knowledge Management and Information Technology, People Management, Learning Organization and Organizational Behavior in Organizations. However, besides acting as an academician, he shows his pro-active in a professional and academics community, trusted to be President of Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI) since 2007 until now. Therefore, he has well known as a Professor in Knowledge Management and Learning Organization in many Indonesian organizations. At the present time, Jann is a Head of People Management and Entrepreneurship in SBM-ITB, covering knowledge management, change management and human capital management experts.



Hary Febriansyah, PhD


Hary Febriansyah, was a material physician in 2001. He completed his bachelor from Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Brawijaya University Malang-East Java. He was very familiar on mathematics equation, integral, differential and material science. However, and then, he continued and graduated from his master degree on 2004 at Management and Industrial Engineering (TMI-ITB), Institute Technology Bandung-West Java. He decided to pursue his master in TMI-ITB, contrast with his bachelor because he wanted to enrich and enlarge his knowledge from two sides; natural science and industrial management. This choice was very useful and interesting at this time; to solve many practical and academics problems in the real world with a holistic and balance view. In the professional experiences, he started his experience in February 2004 as a human resources and operation manager in a general consultant company in Palembang, South of Sumatera-Indonesia. He had some responsibilities, treated employees and controlled the company with effectively and efficient. Simultaneously, he has been a consultant in human resources management area for private and national-state companies during this time. Nevertheless, in August 2005, he decided to change his working experience, being an academician on management and industrial engineering, in a private university. His responsibilities were a lecturer and head of management laboratory until June 2006. Next journey of life in July 2006, he moved to School of Business and Management ITB, Bandung-West Java as a teaching and research assistant, and also he prepared for his doctoral degree in human resources management area. He had some promotions to continue his doctoral degree in New Zealand, Australia and Austria; however, he chose pursuing his doctoral degree in School of Management, Innsbruck University-Austria, since November 2009, with ASEA-UNINET recommendation; scholarships from Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia and Institute Technology Bandung.



Achmad Ghazali, PhD


Achmad Ghazali holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering, ITENAS, Master of Business and Administration (Cum laude, GPA 3.89 out of 4.00), SBM, ITB, and Doctoral degree from Massey University, New Zealand. His dissertation is about knowledge construction in health support group online discussion. Using social constructivism as learning paradigm in measuring the process of knowledge construction and how it affects the quality of information in term of information quality and information integrity. From 2005 until now, He become Faculty member of SBM, ITB (People and Knowledge Management Sub Interest Group). From 2005 until 2007, He becomes SBM ITB Assistant Lecture. Right now, he is a Director of QA and Accreditation at SBM-ITB.



Dedy Sushandoyo, PhD


Dedy Sushandoyo is a full-time lecturer in School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology-Indonesia. He is affiliated as a researcher at the Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC). He receives his PhD degree in the field of Industrial Management from Linkoping University-Sweden. His PhD study and research is part of the project that was fully financed by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. The cases of his PhD research relates to the development and commercialization of products based on radically new technologies conducted by large established firms such as Sweden’s Volvo Trucks and Scania as well as British’s BAE Systems. Prior to his PhD study, he obtains his M.Sc. Eng degree. He studied Engineering in two Swedish technical universities: Chalmers University of Technology and Royal Institute of Technology. He earns his double degrees, M.A. and M.A. Sc. in the area of Technology and Innovation Policy. The study was conducted at Linkoping University-Sweden and Oslo University-Norway. His BSc. Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering was obtained from Gadjah Mada University. He participated in many seminars and conferences such as Research and Development (R&D), and International Product Development Management (IPDM) conferences. He took workshops for examples on Cleaner Productions’ journal publication and Lund University’s Innovation Systems and Entrepreneurship workshops. He was a visiting researcher for 3,5 months at UK’s Freeman Center, which is is one of largest institutions in the world specializing in science, technology and innovation studies. He publishes his research including in high impact factor journals such as Technovation, Cleaner Productions and Research Policy. His research Interest is in the areas of Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Management/ Policy for Large Established Firms and Industries.



Dr. rer. pol. Achmad Fajar Hendarman


Achmad Fajar Hendarman mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Teknik Industri dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) di tahun 2005. Pada tahun 2006, Fajar mendapatkan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi di Magister Sains Manajemen di Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) ITB, dan lulus dengan IPK 4.00 (Predikat Cum Laude) pada tahun 2008. Saat ini Fajar tengah mempersiapkan diri untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya pada program Doktor. Sejak lulus Sarjana, Fajar bekerja sebagai konsultan dalam bidang manajemen dan teknik industri (khususnya terkait dengan Business Process Analysis, Strategic Management, Change Management, Performance & Quality Management (Balanced Scorecard & Six Sigma), Logistics System, Manufacturing System, Simulation & Modeling, Business Feasibility Study, People Management, Job Analysis, Work Load Analysis, Organization Culture, Knowledge Management), mengerjakan proyek-proyek pemerintah, BUMN maupun perusahaan swasta atas nama ITB (PT. LAPI ITB maupun Yayasan LAPI ITB) ataupun paruh waktu pada perusahaan konsultan manajemen. Fajar tergabung dalam sub-Kelompok Keahlian Manajemen Insani dan Pengetahuan di SBM ITB. Minat risetnya mencakup Positive Psychological Capital (Hope, Optimism, Resiliency, Self-Efficacy, Subjective Well Being), Human Behaviour, Soft Skills dan Hard Skills pada era Knowledge Economy.



Lenny Martini, Ph.D (cand)


Lenny Martini holds a bachelor of science degree in Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2003). After working for a year in LAPI ITB as junior consultant, and two years at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk., she earned full scholarship from School of Business and Management and got her master of science degree in Management (2008) and graduated with perfect GPA of 4.00. She is now joined People and Knowledge Management. Her main research interest include Knowledge Management, Strategic and Change Management and Human Capital Management.



Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto, ST., MHRMHONS


Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto mendapatkan gelar sarjana teknik dari Teknik Industri Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) pada tahun 2008. Selanjutnya, pada tahun yang sama, Arief bergabung ke dalam Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) ITB melalui program Future Faculty Development Program (FFDP). Sejak saat itu Arief tergabung dengan kelompok keahlian People and Knowledge Management (PKM) dan mulai mendalami keilmuan yang menyangkut Sumber Daya Manusia dan Manajemen Pengetahuan. Pada tahun 2012, Arief berhasil mendapatkan gelar masternya with Honors dari program studi Human Resources Management di Griffith University, Australia. Minat risetnya mencakup Knowledge Management, Organization Behavior, Corporate culture, national culture, dan Cultural Intelligence, dan Leadership.



Emilia Fitriana Dewi, M.B.A


Emilia was a bachelor of Law from Parahyangan Unversity. In 2011, she got her master degree in Business Administration from SBM ITB. After graduated from bachelor degree, she has much experience as Public Relation and Marketing Communication. Currently her expertise is on knowledge management and management practice.



Didin Kristinawati, ST., MSc


Didin Kristinawati dilatih sebagai insinyur di Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Setelah berkarya dalam proyek-proyek teknologi informasi, terutama pengalaman mengesankan sebagai staf IT Komisi Pemilihan Umum Pusat pada tahun 2004, minatnya mulai bergeser pada aspek sosial dari sebuah teknologi. Dengan award beasiswa dari Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Republik Indonesia, Didin melanjutkan studi ke Belanda pada tahun 2009. Mengambil Master Innovation Sciences di Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, dan minor student Master Engineering and Policy Analysis di Technische Universiteit Delft. Selain mengikuti dua program master tersebut, Didin juga mengambil sertifikasi Technology, Development, and Globalization di Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Saat ini Didin kandidat doktor Sains Manajemen SBM ITB. Didin tergabung di Center of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness dengan minat/bidang kajian Innovation/Technology Policy, Dynamic Capability, Economic of Innovation, Knowledge Based Economy, Knowledge Management.



Nurfaisa Hidayanti, S.Psi., M.Psi


Nurfaisa Hidayanti yang biasa dipanggil Ica menjalani pendidikan Sarjana Psikologi di Universitas Kristen Maranatha angkatan 2005, dan melanjutkan pendidikan Magister Profesi Psikologi UNPAD pada tahun 2011. Ica lulus dengan predikat cum laude pada kedua jenjang studi tersebut. Ica pernah bekerja sebagai people development analyst di PT Astra International Tbk Daihatsu selama hampir 2 tahun sebelum melanjutkan studi S2 profesinya. Sebagai psikolog, saat ini ia menjadi Associate tetap di Biro Pelayanan dan Inovasi Psikologi (BPIP) UNPAD dan mulai bergabung di CK4BC  SBM ITB untuk penelitian yang dilakukan CK4BC. Bidang minatnya saat ini psikologi personel (Assessment: rekrutmen, seleksi, penempatan, serta intervensi: coaching, counseling, training & development) dan psikologi industri & organisasi (human performance technology, occupational / organizational commitment, psychological climate dsb.